The Green Hornet is an upcoming 2011 superhero film, based on the character of the same name that had originated in a 1930s radio program and has appeared in movie serials, a television series, comic books and other media. Directed by Michel Gondry, the film stars Seth Rogen, who co-wrote the screenplay with Evan Goldberg. Supporting actors include Jay Chou as Kato, Christoph Waltz, Cameron Diaz, Edward Furlong, Edward James Olmos, David Harbour and Tom Wilkinson.
The film is scheduled to be released in North America and the United Kingdom on January 14, 2011 and in Australia on January 20, 2011, which will also include RealD Cinema and IMAX 3D.
Britt Reid (Seth Rogen), the son of wealthy newspaper publisher James Reid (Tom Wilkinson), is a ne'er do well playboy who inherits a media empire after his father dies. One day, he meets an employee named Kato (Jay Chou), who is more than he appears. After realizing how he and Kato are not using their abilities the fullest, Britt decides that the two should become crimefighters, taking on the identity of the Green Hornet. With the help of his new secretary, Lenore Case (Cameron Diaz), Britt discovers that Russian criminal Benjamin Chudnofsky (Christoph Waltz) controls the city's criminal underworld. Meanwhile, Chudonfsky, paranoid that he is losing his edge as a crime boss, has united all of the gangs of the city and seeks the Green Hornet, believing him to be a direct threat to his elaborate grand plan.
- Seth Rogen, as Britt Reid/The Green Hornet, a wealthy newspaper publisher who is secretly the masked crimefighter The Green Hornet.
- Jay Chou, as Kato, the Green Hornet's valet and sidekick, who is expertly proficient in martial arts.
- Christoph Waltz as Benjamin Chudnofsky, a paranoid Russian gangster who plans to join all of the crime families of Los Angeles together to organize a "super-mafia." Nicolas Cage was originally cast, but dropped out during the first week of filming over creative differences with Rogen and director Michel Gondry. "The Green Hornet was something that I wanted to do," the actor explained, "I think Michel Gondry is very talented and I had hoped it would work but I think Seth Rogen and Michel had a different take on the character."
- Cameron Diaz, as Lenore "Casey" Case, the love interest of Reid.
- Tom Wilkinson as James Reid, Britt's wealthy father and successful newspaper publisher, who does not approve of Britt's playboy lifestyle. James is killed, leading Britt to inherit his newspaper empire.
- Edward James Olmos as Mike Axford.
- Analeigh Tipton as Anna Lee.
- David Harbour as D.A. Frank Scanlon
- Edward Furlong as Tupper
The filmmakers had wanted Van Williams, who played the Green Hornet in the 1960s television series, to make a cameo appearance as a cemetery guard, but Williams was unavailable.
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