The Dilemma is an upcoming comedy film written by Allan Loeb and directed by Ron Howard. The film is Howard's first comedy film since 2000's How the Grinch Stole Christmas. It stars Vince Vaughn, Kevin James, Jennifer Connelly, Winona Ryder, Channing Tatum, and Queen Latifah. The film will be produced by Howard and Brian Grazer of Imagine Entertainment, and will be distributed by Universal Pictures.
Ronny Valentine (Vince Vaughn) is unsure if he should tell his best friend and business partner Nick Backman (Kevin James) that his wife Geneva (Winona Ryder) is cheating on him with another man, Zip (Channing Tatum), after catching them in the act.
- Vince Vaughn as Ronny Valentine
- Kevin James as Nick Backman
- Jennifer Connelly as Beth Backman
- Winona Ryder as Geneva Backman
- Channing Tatum as Zip Hanson
- Queen Latifah as Dana Coleman
- Chelcie Ross as Thomas Fern
- Amy Morton as Diane Tutin
- Clint Howard as Plant Specialist
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