The Way Back is an upcoming drama film about a group of prisoners who escaped from a Siberian gulag during World War II. The film is directed by Peter Weir from a screenplay also by Weir based on the memoir by Sławomir Rawicz. It stars Jim Sturgess, Colin Farrell, Ed Harris, Saoirse Ronan, and Mark Strong.
A group of prisoners engineer a grueling escape from a Stalinist Siberian gulag in 1942 and their passage to India.
- Jim Sturgess as Janusz, a young Polish inmate.
- Colin Farrell as Valka, a tough, tattooed Russian inmate.
- Ed Harris as Mr. Smith, an American inmate.
- Saoirse Ronan as Irena, a orphaned teenage Polish girl on the run who meets up with the fugitives.
- Mark Strong as Khabarov
- Dragoş Bucur as Zoran
- Gustaf Skarsgård as Voss
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