Friday, December 31, 2010

merry christmas and happy new year 2011

I'm sorry I haven't post anything since when I even forgot. But now, I will write some of my activity that I still remember. Hehe, at 24 December, I went to play internet at internet cafe with my brother and my cousin. So fun, I love it. The 25 December, I just stay at home, playing the video game that I bought it at 24 December.

Merry Christmas 2010!

At 27 December, I went to play badminton with my brother and my cousin too. So tired. But fun!
At 28 until 30 December, just stay at home and went to buy food for barbeque tonight! 31 December.
Tonight, 31 December, I will have barbeque party with my family, less my father and my brother. My brother has gone to Brastagi with my uncle's family. And my father will send people to Brastagi too, so that just I, my 2 sister and my mother will have the party.

Happy New Year 2011!!

me, MJ

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

Like the title, I want to say Happy Mother's Day to my mom, although she has made my heart hurt about what she has done. I wish that she realize what she done and going straight again and have happy life with us.

again, Happy Mother's Day, mom!

me, MJ

Friday, December 17, 2010

free today (from phone via email)

hah! Can't blog from computer because my sis took it to work. Although I was free. Hah!

This morning my friend told me that she has been robbed while she on the way home. So pity of the robber because they just got any money and many paper inside my friend's bag. Lol!
And thanks that my friend is fine.

Oh yeah! Happy birthday to Milla Jovovich. It's her day today, even in her hometown it haven't 17 December. Wishing her all the best and always make a good movie. And also for her
family, it's happily forever. Love her always.

I think this all, because I don't know what to say again. And again. Happy birthday Milla Jovovich.

me, MJ

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

tired and almost facing holiday!!

today I woke up about 5.30 a.m., but I slept again because it's still early. the second time I woke up, it's already 6.15 a.m.
this morning I just have one class, because my lecture was sick. now, I'm too tired of typing. I just  type this with my right hand, so that there is too many mistakes but I have fix it. and my left hand I used for shore my head. heh!
I think this all nothing to say again, just too many assignment. and also stressed!

note: must finish all the assignment before holiday!

me, MJ

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

today, tuesday. (from phone via email )

in the morning, I have breakfast. It's fried rice! Delicious.
Now, I relaxing while I wait for 2p.m. because I will teach my student. He started having test this day.
And also, today was a bad day, because there are too many assignment for me. I count it almost 4 assignment! Must finished it before holiday, so that I can have my relax time on holiday. I think this all.
me, MJ

Monday, December 13, 2010

this is what I steal from my group on facebook. (about hypnotic)

It's for everyone who interested in hypnotic and this is about how to hypnotic person. (maybe my English is unorganized, so sorry about this)

And I also apologize, because this tutorial was in Indonesian. Maybe you can translate it with a google translate.  And I apologize too if the word in Indonesian have many mistake in typing, because in original, it is too long. Below, the unimportant message has been cut from me.

So, this is it :

Persiapan & Cara melakukan hipnotis :

Orang yang akan kita hipnotis = SUJET

1. Tahap awal dengan orang yang ingin kita hipnotis Disini teman-teman dapat menjelaskan secara singkat tentang hipnotis itu apa sih ..... apakah hipnotis ada berhubungan dengan ilmu sesat dan disini teman2 harus memastikan bahwa sujet benar-benar yakin pada apa yang kita katakan dan harus yakin bahwa hipnotis itu AMAN 100% .

Cara menggiring supaya yakin pada apa yang kita katakan dapat menggunakan beberapa permainan :

1. Satukan kedua belah jari-jari tangan , tapi cara menyatukannya adalah dengan cara berpedoman pada garis-garis yang ada di pergelangan tangan .

Setelah disatukan ... coba di cek telunjuk mana yang lebih panjang ( APAKAH telunjuk kiri atau kanan ) ........... Misalnya : TELUNJUK KIRI ....... Lalu suruh sujet untuk melepaskan jari2 yang disatukan ........ Setelah itu Lalu Mintalah sujet untuk BERIMAJINASI dalam Pikiran dan mengucapkan SUGESTI dalam HATI ....... ( Boleh minta tutup mata / tidak tutup mata )


TELUNJUK KANAN LEBIH PANJANG dari TELUNJUK KIRI ... SEMAKIN PANJANG ... 1 cm panjangnya , 2 cm panjangnya , 3 cm panjangnya dan Semakin lama semakin panjang dan sekarang panjangnya sudah melebihi panjang TELUNJUK KIRI ......

Setelah itu suruh ukur kembali dengan cara melengketkan kembali kedua belah jari-jari tangan dan berpatokan pada garis-garis di pergelangan tangan ....

Setelah dilakukan saya BERANI JAMIN pastinya TELUNJUK KANAN akan lebih tinggi dari TELUNJUK KIRI .......

Gimana jika MASIH SAMA ..... ULANGI dan katakan pada sujet untuk serius melakukannya ..........

Setelah dilakukan teman-teman bisa memberikan sedikit penjelasan tentang hal yang dilakukan yaitu :

Yang membuat panjang adalah sugesti yang kita ucapkan maka pikiran akan memompa darah ke jari TELUNJUK KANAN lebih banyak sehingga TELUNJUK KANAN menjadi lebih panjang dari TELUNJUK KIRI .......

Setelah berhasil dilakukan lakukan percobaan kedua yaitu :

2. Mata lengket

Di permainan kedua ini , teman2 dapat menjelaskan sedikit gambaran tentang hal yang akan dilakukan mis: mempratekkan pada sujet bahwa kondisi mata lengket seperti gini loh ( Disini kita berpura-pura membuat mata kita lengket dan tidak bisa dibuka sehingga sujet mempunyai gambaran mata lengket seperti gimana ) ........

Cara membimbing supaya mata lengket ada beragam cara tapi saya akan ajarkan yang tingkat keberhasilan lebih mantap :

- Ajak sujet tutup mata dan katakan beberapa sugesti seperti : SANTAI ... RILEKS ... TENANG .... ( Katakan secara berulang2 sampai kita melihat sujet kita telah santai ) .... Setelah melihat SUJET santai / jika belum santai kita bisa berpura-pura katakan bahwa seakan2 sujetnya telah santai yaitu sugestinya : BAGUS SEKARANG ANDA SUDAH SANGAT SANTAI , TENANG , RILEKS DAN AKAN MENGIKUTI SETIAP SUGESTI YANG SAYA BERIKAN ......

- Lalu sekarang Suruh sujet kita tetap fokus di bagian jidat dan katakan pada sujet untuk mencoba membuka mata ........ katakan teruslah mencoba membuka ... semakin dipaksa dibuka semakin terkunci dan semakin lengket ...semakin terkunci ... semakin lengket ........

( Pesan : Sebenarnya ketika anda melihat SUJET anda susah membuka mata sebenarnya kita sudah bisa langsung melakukan proses hipnotis seperti di televisi misalnya langsung DITIDURKAN ...... Cara melakukan adalah : Sentuh dahi SUJET dan Pegang bagian belakang SUJET dan dorong sedikit ke depan sehingga posisi kepala SUJET agak sedikit menunduk SAMBIL SUGESTIKAN : TIDUR .... TIDUR SEMAKIN DALAM ... SEMAKIN RILEKS ... SEMAKIN TENANG .... SEMAKIN SANTAI ...... )

Tapi jika anda tidak ingin langsung menidurkan .. anda dapat melanjutkan SUGESTI dibawah

- Setelah anda melihat sujet kelihatan susah untuk membuka mata .... katakan pada sujet ... SANTAI ....RILEKS ... dalam hitungan ketiga KEDUA MATA ANDA AKAN DAPAT TERBUKA .... 1...2...3... BUKA MATA ANDA.....

KABAR GEMBIRA UNTUK TEMAN-TEMAN ...... SEBENARNYA hanya melakukan 2 permainan ini saja ... teman-teman sudah dapat menghipnotis SUJET ... tapi syaratnya 2 permainan ini harus berhasil : yaitu JARI TANGAN MENJADI PANJANG DAN MATA LENGKET .............

Tapi supaya lebih memastikan tingkat keberhasilan lebih tinggi dapat coba 1 permainan lagi yaitu:

- Jari telunjuk dan jari ibu lengket

Di uji permainan ini teman - teman mengajak sujet untuk bermain di imajinasi .... jadi katakan pada sujet untuk :

1. TUTUP MATA ( supaya mempermudah konsentrasi ) ... Kalau gak mau tutup mata juga gak apa
2. Lalu suruh sujet kita menyatukan antara jari telunjuk kanan dan jari ibu manis kanan .....
3. Setelah disatukan lalu suruh sujet berimajinasi di pertengahan jari telunjuk dan jari ibu manis dilumuri oleh cairan lem yang sangat kuat sehingga membuat antara jari telunjuk dan jari ibu manis menjadi lengket dan tidak bisa dibuka ....... ( Disini kita harus berulang2 mensugesti : SEMAKIN LENGKET ... SEMAKIN KUAT LENGKET ... SEMAKIN DIPAKSA DIBUKA SEMAKIN LENGKET ... SANGAT LENGET .... SEMAKIN LENGKET .... )

4. Kita juga bisa menambahkan 1 sugesti lagi ... imajinasikan jari telunjuk kanan dan jari ibu manis kanan diikatkan sebuah tali dengan sangat kuat sehingga tidak bisa dilepaskan kedua jari tangan tersebut ( Tips: Kita bisa berpura-pura mengikat sehingga sujet percaya bahwa ada ikatan yang terjadi ) ..... Lalu setelah kita berpura2 mengikat sugestikan SUJET untuk mencoba membuka ....

5. Apabila teman-teman melihat kedua jari tangan tidak dapat dibuka .... teman-teman sudah langsung menidurkan SUJET dengan cara yang sama seperti di mata lengket yaitu

( Cara melakukan adalah : Sentuh dahi SUJET dan Pegang bagian belakang SUJET dan dorong sedikit ke depan sehingga posisi kepala SUJET agak sedikit menunduk SAMBIL SUGESTIKAN : TIDUR .... TIDUR SEMAKIN DALAM ... SEMAKIN RILEKS ... SEMAKIN TENANG .... SEMAKIN SANTAI ...... ) .......

Tapi jika SUJET ketika melakukan percobaan ini MATANYA TERBUKA maka tambahkan sugestinya YAITU

( Cara melakukan adalah : Sentuh dahi SUJET dan Pegang bagian belakang SUJET dan dorong sedikit ke depan sehingga posisi kepala SUJET agak sedikit menunduk SAMBIL SUGESTIKAN : TUTUP MATA ANDA .....TIDUR .... TIDUR SEMAKIN DALAM ... SEMAKIN RILEKS ... SEMAKIN TENANG .... SEMAKIN SANTAI ...... )

6 Apabila teman-teman masih tidak mau MENIDURKAN SUJET .... Kembalikan SUJET KE KONDISI NORMAL dengan SUGESTI : Dalam hitungan ke 3 segala CAIRAN LEM di kedua jari tangan anda telah hilang dan ikatan di kedua jari tangan anda telah terlepas... 1...2...3... BUKA JARI TANGAN ANDA....

Inilah Proses awal ketika melakukan hipnotis .......



Setelah kita lakukan beberapa permainan diatas...... kita sudah bisa masuk ke proses lanjutannya yaitu proses menidurkan ( hipnotis ).... Tapi yang perlu diingat PROSES INI BISA DILAKUKAN apabila permainan yang dilakukan HARUS BERHASIL ... Jika Permainannya GAGAL ... PILIH SUJET LAIN .....Okey .....

Saya akan ajarkan 1 teknik yang sangat suka saya lakukan nama tekniknya adalah FIKSASI MATA:

Cara melakukan:

1. Suruh SUJET untuk FOKUS pada jari telunjuk kita ( Posisi jari telunjuk lebih kurang 70 - 80 cm di depan SUJET )

2. Setelah itu suruh SUJET untuk tarik nafas melalui hidung ...dan hembuskan melalui mulut dan katakan semakin santai .. semakin relaks...semakin santai ... semakin rileks ( ulangi proses ini beberapa kali supaya sujet benar2 santai ... rileks ) ... Ingat SUJET TETAP FOKUS PADA JARI TELUNJUK KITA .......


PENTING: Ingat Ketika jari telunjuk kanan kita menyentuh DAHI SUJET maka tangan kanan kita berada di kepala bagian belakang SUJET dan kita dorong ke depan sambil sugestikan sugesti yang saya berikan di poin ketiga diatas.

Tahap Memperdalam SUJET :

1. Ketika Sujet sudah tertidur ...... maka kita harus tetap memberikan sugesti SEMAKIN NYENYAK ... SEMAKIN RILEKS .... TIDUR SEMAKIN DALAM ...SEMAKIN DALAM .....10 KALI LIPAT LEBIH DALAM DARI SEBELUMNYA .......

2. Kita juga bisa mengajak SUJET untuk menghitung dalam pikiran 1 - 100 .... di setiap hitungan akan membuat semakin rileks ... semakin tidur semakin nyenyak dan dalam ... 1.... tidur semakin dalam ... 2... tidur semakin dalam ... 3.... 4... 5 .... semakin nyenyak ... terus menghitung dalam pikiran anda ..........


Tahap Permainan :

Setelah SUJET telah berada dalam kondisi hipnotis kita bisa memberikan sugesti yang mana berguna untuk menghibur teman-teman:

Satu Permainan yang sangat aman untuk dimainkan:

Mengubah nama

Sugesti: - Nama anda sekarang saya ambil dari pikiran anda ... dan anda akan melupakan nama anda ..... jadi ketika anda membuka mata anda maka anda akan melupakan nama anda dan ketika anda ditanya nama anda siapa anda akan menjawab BUDI .... ( Kita bisa mengecek apakah sugesti kita sudah dimengerti SUJET atau tidak .yaitu dengan menanyakan JIKA MENGERTI ANGGUKAN KEPALA ) .... Setelah Sujet Anggukkan kepala ..... Kita bisa sugestikan BUKA MATA anda ...............

Setelah SUJET buka mata ... Kita coba nanya namanya DIJAMIN namanya pasti BUDI .... kita bisa berpura-pura minta KTP untuk mengecek apakah benar BUDI atau tidak ......... ( Disini dibutuhkan KREATIFITAS teman-teman supaya PERMAINAN KELIHATAN MENARIK )

Setelah kita selesai bermain ... kita harus menetralkan kembali ......

Caranya :

1. Suruh SUJET fokus ke jari telunjuk kita dan sugestikan TIDUR ....... TIDUR SEMAKIN NYENYAK ... SEMAKIN DALAM .....
2. Sekarang nama anda saya kembalikan ke dalam pikiran anda ...dan anda akan mengingat kembali nama anda....
3. Sekarang saya akan menghitung dari 10 - 1 pada hitungan pertama anda akan bangun dalam kondisi yang sangat sehat ... semua stress dalam pikiran anda hilang .... 10 ..... semakin sehat ....semakin segar ...9 ...8....7 .... Semakin segar... semakin dahsyat ..... 6 ... Semua saraf dalam tubuh aktif kembali da segar .... 5.... 4 .... secara perlahan - lahan anda akan bangun dalam kondisi yang segar ...3....2....1.... BUKA MATA ANDA DAN BANGUN DALAM KONDISI SEGAR DAN SEHAT...

Penting :Ketika Sujet telah membuka mata ......... Anda tetap harus memberikan SUGESTI : SEMAKIN SEHAT ... SEGAR ...SEHAT ....BAHAGIA ....

( Kenapa hal ini harus dilakukan : Karena ketika Sujet baru membuka mata kondisinya masih dalam kondisi alam bawah sadar .... jadi kita tetap harus memberikan sugesti positive )

Semoga SHARING SINGKAT saya akan membuat anda memiliki keahlian / pengalaman menghipnotis

This all, thanks and I apologize. If I have time, I will fix the wrong word.
Thanks again.

me, MJ

testing blogging with email

like the title, I just want to know it's really work or not. that's all. haha

me, MJ

Friday, December 10, 2010


today was too sleepy at the class. so tired of hearing lecture speak in front of class everyday. and I hate person who had many debt at me, and it's from last month!

at the afternoon, I search for a new headset, and then I decided not to buy a new one, because I already have. But I so confused because when I plugging into my mobile phone, it always have sound brezzz. So confused why it can like that.
And also got mad in a moment at my sister because she angry at me, whereas she asked me to take her mobile phone. But she hasn't told me, so that I throw her phone on bed! so angry!!!

and that's all I can say.

me, MJ

Thursday, December 9, 2010

have no idea for the tittle

it has been long time since my last post of my day until now. I have many story from my last post until now, but too lazy to type it, maybe I will type some of it.
At 1st December, I went to my sister's graduation with my mom, I thought that when I will graduate, can I graduate? I must graduate in 2014, and have my title as S.Psi (Psychology). haha. And continued the culinary! And the same date, it's my sister's birthday. She was so happy. But at night, my father's car crash by a motorcycle which the rider's leg was broken. And they (with his girlfriend) extort my father's money. SO HATE THEM! They wrong but we must paid their hospital charges. And also compensation. GREAT OF THEM.
And the next day until now, I have forgot it, sorry.
And now I will face many day of stress day, because my student will have the final test. Wish me that I can face it properly and they have a great mark.

me, MJ

The Way Back

The Way Back is an upcoming drama film about a group of prisoners who escaped from a Siberian gulag during World War II. The film is directed by Peter Weir from a screenplay also by Weir based on the memoir by Sławomir Rawicz. It stars Jim Sturgess, Colin Farrell, Ed Harris, Saoirse Ronan, and Mark Strong.

A group of prisoners engineer a grueling escape from a Stalinist Siberian gulag in 1942 and their passage to India.


The Debt

The Debt is a 2010 drama-thriller film directed by John Madden based on a screenplay written by Matthew Vaughn, Jane Goldman and Peter Straughan. The film is a remake of the 2007 Israeli film of the same name by Assaf Bernstein. It stars Helen Mirren, Ciarán Hinds and Tom Wilkinson. It premiered at the 2010 Toronto International Film Festival in September 2010. Miramax has announced plans to release the film December 29, 2010, and it is already appearing on lists as a possible 2011 Oscar contender. Before the official December 29, 2010, U.S. premiere, it is scheduled to be shown December 4, 2010, as part of the Washington DC Jewish Film Festival.

The film tells the story of three young Mossad agents on a secret mission to capture and kill a notorious Nazi war criminal in 1965. The story opens to the book launch of Rachel's daughter in the year 1997. Rachel was a part of a trio Israeli spy team sent to find and capture a Nazi doctor and the book was about their success in finding him and the Dr's supposed failed escape and death when Rachel shoots him as was seen from the playing out of the excript that Rachel was reading. However as the story continues, it seems that they didn't tell the entire story. David commits suicide by getting hit by a bus and Rachel and Stefan are cold and distant to each other during the book launch. Thirty years later, a man claiming to be the Nazi surfaces in Ukraine, and one of the former agents must go back undercover to seek out the truth, and stop the story from being published in a magazine.
The time flashes to Berlin 1965. Rachel is the only female of the three and is very beautiful, leading to a love triangle with both Stefan and David. David has his 29th birthday on the mission making the team very young yet experienced. All three agents are undercover in Berlin as they received information about the much sought after Nazi doctor who went into hiding after the war and was accused of experimenting on Jews during WWII. Rachel and David must pretend they are married which creates a tention between the two as they resist the chemistry between each other, especially because David is so distant. Rachel pretends to be a married woman trying to conceive a child in order to take pictures to confirm the identity of the doctor. Rachel and Stefan sleep together after David distances himself from Rachel when they nearly kiss. She becomes pregnant with her daughter.
She returns to the Doctor and after a struggle she injects a fluid into him rendering him unconscious. She fakes that he had a heart attack and David and Stefan impersonate EMS workers and take the Dr. away. They head to the train tracks to transport, but meet trouble along the way. The Doctor awoke and honked the horn of the van alerting the soldiers patrolling the station.
They take the doctor into captivity and keep him alive. They have no idea that he speaks english and reveal their plans to him by mistake. They take shifts in caring for him and both David and Rachel are affected by his words. He reveals her pregnancy to Rachel and David hurting both in the process. David almost kills the Doctor when he starts beating him with a plate. Stefan pulls him off and Rachel is left to clean up the mess. The doctor was able to grab a piece of ceramic and cut his way through the ropes that tied him. As Rachel cleans and lays pots to catch the rain leaking through the roof she is attacked by the doctor and is cut on the face. After a fight she is knocked unconscious and the doctor gets away, a definite variation to the story she told for the past 30 years.
The story cuts back to Rachel 30 years later living off of the glory of what people think she had done and is terrified of the truth resurfacing. David gave her the information that the story may be published by a Ukraine writer. Stefan was stuck in a wheel chair and David died, so Rachel was the only one capable of confirming whether or not the doctor was real. Before Rachel leaves, Stefan hands her a package. Rachel makes the trip to kill the man if he is really the doctor. When she gets to Ukraine, she goes to the writer's office to find out where the mental hospital is where the supposed doctor is being held. On the way she is almost caught sneaking in by a frisky couple of the secretary and a writer sneaking back into the office to take money for a club.
While digging through the things of the writer, she discovers a picture of herself and realizes that the writer knows what she looks like. She finds the address of the hospital and leaves. She calls Stefan and lets him know the address and that the writer knows her looks. The next morning she goes to the hospital and signs in at the front desk where she is asked if she is the reporter (which is when she knows that he is visiting that morning) but she pretends to be the doctor's niece. She is told to sit in the waiting area because the visiting hours begin at 11am, she's 20 minutes too early. While sitting she sees the reporter enter and she sneaks off, but overhears that the doctor is staying in room 414. She leaves not wanting to be seen and drives in her car looking for another way into the building, which she finds. She gets into elevators, climbs up stairs and eventually makes it to the room. She goes to the washroom and readies the siringe that David had given to her in the package.
When she enters the room, she sees a white haired man sitting in a chair, his back to her breathing heavily. She hesitates. She grabs his medical clip board, turns over a page and starts writing on the back of it. The man wakes up and asks her if she is the reporter. She lies and says that she is and he begins a tirade about him being the doctor. She really takes a look at him and knows that it isn't really him especially because of his babbling. Then she turns and goes.
When on her way out, she sees an old man hurrying away, and decides to follow him. She reaches where he is and he mysteriously appears and scares her. He asks "Why did you come here?!" and she knows immediately that he is the real doctor. He stabs her with a pair of scissors he was carrying and they struggle. After he stabs her again and begins to walk away he collapses in another hallway and the siringe is seen in his back. She lays there shivvering and bleeding and picks herself up. She walks slumped down the hallway. While she walks the reporter is below, about to leave the room, when the note written by her catches his eye. He opens it and begins to read and it tells the truth of what really happened that night in Berlin 30 years ago.

·  Helen Mirren as Rachel Singer, a former Mossad agent in the 1990s.
·  Jessica Chastain as a young Rachel Singer in the 1960s.
·  Ciarán Hinds as David, a former Mossad agent.
·  Tom Wilkinson as Stefan, a Mossad agent.
·  Sam Worthington as a young David.
·  Marton Csokas as a young Stefan.
·  Jesper Christensen as a Nazi war criminal.
·  Romi Aboulafia as Sarah.